May 21, 2021
Defining and increasing the value of OIA in light of COVID
- Trade shows returning
- More utilization of online presence (example: PBS documentary article)
- Partnering with other associations to offer discounted rates (for classes, etc.)
- Survey companies to determine their needs
- Virtual classes would provide more flexibility
- Roundtable discussions
- Advocacy Day
- Set for November 16
- Is it cost-effective? Does not appear to generate much publicity. Last time, only four signed up. Would be cheaper for individuals to pay for themselves, or for OIA to share sponsorship with another organization.
- Paid $1,500 last time, with room for 20 individuals; made available to every OIA member at no cost.
- Could encourage members who should attend but don’t necessarily volunteer to do so, by placing them on a committee.
- Green industry live events for 21-22
- GIE in Louisville
- Irrigation Association
- CENTS Show (MGIX) has been dying slowly over the years. Will check with Scott on ONLA board to see what plans are.
- Marketing OIA
- Benefits of utilizing local association
- OIA still owns certification modules purchased from the IA
- Training can serve as a fundraiser
- Wolf Creek turning conference rooms into training and tech centers. All locations should be operational by end of this winter.
- So far, seven paid memberships through PayPal
- Difficulty attracting job applicants
- Could we include menu item on website that would link to different employment resources (such as Ohio Means Jobs, university horticulture departments, Workable)
- Display posters
- As of May 23, $300 Ohio unemployment benefit stopped; must now report on job search.
- Promote irrigation programs to technical colleges
- Retention is also a problem, especially since training is required; appears to be very little loyalty in the landscape industry; need to do a better job of helping staff members want to stay where they are.
- Good webinar topic; could put it together quickly.
- Chris will handle scheduling
- Tom will handle section about what OIA is willing to do about job posting
- Need OIA member to be willing to volunteer to discuss their hiring and retention concerns; provide data to Tom, who will create PP presentation for webinar.
- With increased cost of goods, OIA needs to help contractors build price protection into their bids.