Irrigation Horror Stories

Irrigation Horror Stories

Tales of Terror
From the Front Lines

As an irrigation contractor, you never know what lies ahead on the next job site.

Even the most routine maintenance or repair can devolve into a harrowing ordeal. In the spirit of Halloween, we share with you some irrigation horror stories — seemingly straightforward service calls that quickly became the stuff of nightmares.

Horror Story #1: The Twisted Root

Repairing a lateral line leak sounded like a simple job–until the irrigation technician realized that the system’s lines were located under a river birch tree and entangled in the roots. All of the components, including a six-valve manifold, were covered and ensnared by the overgrown tree roots.

After two days of chopping up the roots, the technician was able to repair the leak. Two weeks later, the river birch was blown over during a hurricane, tearing out some of the irrigation system components. Now, everything in that section had to be replaced. The stump had to come out.

“We had to hook lines up just to figure out what zone went where and what valve went back to what,” the technician said.

Two techs and two managers then hacked away at the stump and remaining roots for three and a half days. The simple repair job had morphed into a monster (and a monster bill for the homeowner).

Horror Story #2: Poltergeist in the Line

A routine valve replacement at a customer’s residence went smoothly–until it didn’t. As the technician was preparing to leave, the new valve fittings popped off. The tech reglued them and waited a few more hours for the glue to cure. They popped off again.

Chilling Words

Sometimes all it takes is a few seemingly innocent words from the customer to send chills down an irrigation professional’s spine:

  • “Hey, so I have a little leak. Shouldn’t be a big deal. Can you squeeze me in today? Twenty minutes tops.”
  • “Could you swing by and set my timer for me?”
    Get there, set the timer, conversate the pleasantries, and walk back towards the van.
    “Oh, hey, while you’re here…”
  • “We call them the ‘Columbo’ customers. A [baby] boomer or any well-versed younger generation  would understand.”
  • “I personally LOVE the ‘I just have a broken head’ that is actually a weeping valve, and the valve boxes haven’t been seen in 15 years. And then the timer is in the basement, so using a wire tracker is slightly better than poking around with a shovel or a long-ass screwdriver.”

Aiming to please — all in a day’s work!

Source:  Reddit

The homeowner’s water was shut off for a full 24 hours to secure the connections once more. The tech returned the next day and turned on the water. Once again, the fittings popped off. He was utterly baffled.

The technician returned to the residence three more days, attempting to fix the problem before finally throwing up his hands and seriously considering a career change.

While driving home on that last day, the technician witnessed a geyser of water shooting 100 feet up in the air over the highway. Turns out it was a leak in the same main line he had been working on for the better part of a week.

Eureka! By threading on a pressure regulator at the main, his customer’s problem was finally remedied.

Horror Story #3: Shock Treatment

When a California irrigation contractor answered a service call about a system that was watering only one side of a highway, he discovered a mangled mess of wiring and water lines running beneath eight lanes of roaring freeway traffic.

After three days of investigating, the contractor finally discovered another master valve buried under the emergency-lane asphalt. He dug up the valve to check the wires on the solenoid. When he did, the resulting shock knocked him off his feet with a severe jolt.

“I’m sitting on my butt on the ground thinking that something was wrong because 24 volts will give you a buzz, but it won’t hurt you,” the contractor said.

Using a wand tracer, he traced a strange-looking controller wire to a deeply buried splice box labeled “street lighting.” Someone had connected the irrigation wiring to a 220-volt electrical line that powered a traffic light.

It took two more weeks of arduous investigation, rewiring and replacing parts before the irrigation system was working properly on both sides of the highway. One year later, the state highway department expanded the road and tore out the entire system.

Gear Up for Irrigation Show 2024!

November 4-7 in Long Beach, California

The world’s largest irrigation exhibition features the latest developments in irrigation technologies, with hundreds of exhibitors and numerous educational opportunities.

Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, or advanced irrigation professional, you’ll find what you need to enhance your industry knowledge. This year, five new classes will focus on hydraulics, pump curves, soil/water interaction, and more. Purchase two classes and receive a 100% discount on Irrigation Show registration.

Irrigation Association members save $100 on registration — students are free!

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Irrigation & Lighting
Irrigation & Green Industry

Are You Looking at the Big Picture?

Are You Looking at the Big Picture?

Creating Vibrant Landscapes
from the Inside Out

One of the challenges irrigation and landscaping professionals often face is looking at the big picture.

Many green industry contractors tend to focus on their small piece of the puzzle (i.e., completing the job quickly and inexpensively). Instead, take a more holistic approach by studying soils and plant needs – and understanding the interconnectedness between soil, plants, and water – to improve the success of your projects in the long run.

Those Slippery Slopes

Ensuring efficient irrigation for sloped terrain can be challenging. The experts at Rain Bird offer the following tips:

#1. Choose an irrigation timer with at least four start times per program to reduce run-off. Determine when run-off occurs at each station. Divide the runtime needed to meet plant water requirements by this factor.

#2. Use master valves and flow sensors as an insurance policy.

#3. Compensate for the slope by adjusting the distance between lateral lines. On a 2:1 slope, the sprinkler should throw about 80% of its radius above the head and 120% below the head.

#4. Space lateral lines across–rather than with–the slope.

#5. Install matched precipitation rate (MPR) nozzles and check valves to reduce the potential for soil erosion.

Source:  Rain Bird

For instance, efficient irrigation goes beyond mere hydration. It’s about knowing plants’ unique requirements and creating an environment where they can thrive. Considering soil type, terrain slope (see sidebar), climate conditions, and plant diversity can help irrigation professionals unlock the true potential of these systems as a tool for landscape vitality and sustainability.

The Good Earth

Soils must be alive and active to produce lush landscapes. Unhealthy soils block air from reaching beneficial organisms and microorganisms. If these organisms die, the soils die, resulting in shallow root systems where fungus and mold can run rampant.

Improving the soil environment for microorganisms that attach themselves to the root systems to care for the plants will produce a much better result. Deeper root systems require less water, pest management, and nutritional development.


–Article Continues Below–

Know Your Grasses

Determining which type of grass seed or sod to use in a customer’s landscape requires more than just an understanding of warm-season vs. cool-season grasses. (See sidebar, “Cool-Season Lawn Grasses.”) Just because a grass species will survive in a particular region doesn’t necessarily make it the best choice.

In addition, homeowners’ associations often have rules specifying which grass species may be planted, so check with them before seeding or sodding.

Cool-Season Lawn Grasses

In Ohio, cool-season grasses are recommended. Here’s a breakdown of the differences between each:

Kentucky Bluegrass: Particularly winter hardy, susceptible to heat and drought, medium-to-fine texture, soft underfoot

Tall Fescue: Heat and drought tolerant, low maintenance, deep roots, medium texture

Fine Fescue: Tolerates shade better than other cool-season turfgrasses, fine-bladed texture, low maintenance, well-adapted to most Ohio growing conditions

Rye Grass: Quick to establish, fine-bladed texture, shallow roots

The various cultivar characteristics within a specific grass species further cloud the issue. Differences between cultivars within a species can be dramatic and significantly impact a landscape project’s success. The Ohio State University Extension recommends blending two to four cultivars within the species to improve disease and insect resistance.


  • Always consider soil type, slope, and intended use before selecting seed or sod.
  • Contact local sod farms to learn which grass varieties consistently thrive in your climate zone.
  • Expert advice is also available from the master gardeners and turfgrass researchers at your local extension office.
  • Ensure the seed you select has been certified for purity by the Ohio Seed Improvement Association.

Putting It All Together

To ensure you’re looking at the big picture, analyze your customer’s soil, slope, and plants before ever considering water in your irrigation system design. The first questions to ask are:

  • What plants are being grown?
  • Where are they located within the landscape?
  • What soil type will they be grown in?
  • What is the sun exposure?

Once you have the answers to these questions, you’ll be ready to begin designing an efficient irrigation system. A holistic plant-soil-slope-water approach promotes sustainable practices that transform outdoor spaces into vibrant sanctuaries of beauty and life.

Mark Your Calendars for
Equip Expo 2024!

October 15-18 in Louisville, Kentucky

Equip Expo features 1,000 exhibits and hundreds of educational opportunities for green industry professionals.

This year’s keynote speaker is Kevin O’Connor, host of the Emmy Award-winning series “This Old House.” There’ll be music by Trace Adkins, happy hour with The Crashers, and so much more! 

Register early to save!

Featured Images: Adobe, Licenses Granted
Irrigation & Lighting
Ohio State University Extension

How Much Do You Know About Backflow Prevention?

How Much Do You Know About Backflow Prevention?

Test Your Knowledge With
Our Backflow Quiz

National Backflow Prevention Day is observed every year on August 16.

The day is dedicated to public education on the critical need for backflow prevention and cross-connection control. It’s also a time to recognize the professionals who ensure our available water supply remains contaminant-free. (If you install or inspect backflow preventers on irrigation systems, that means you!)

But how much do you really know about backflow prevention? Take our quiz and find out. (Answers are below, but no fair peeking!)

#1. One of the first documented backflow incidents occurred at the 1933 Chicago World’s Fair when the water supply at two hotels was tainted with amoebic dysentery.

How many people died because of that incident?

A.  Almost 50
B.  About 100
C.  More than 200
D.  Every fair visitor
E.  No one died

#2. When did water purveyors first become legally responsible for the quality of drinking water?

A.  In 1934, right after the World’s Fair incident.
In 1945, when the first Uniform Plumbing Code was created
In 1974, with the passage of the Safe Drinking Water Act
In 1970, when the Environmental Protection Agency was established
They’ve always been legally accountable for water quality.

#3. Which of the following is the most common household source of cross-connection contamination?

A.  Toilets
B.  Washing machines
C.  Fire sprinkler systems
D.  Exterior taps and hoses
E.  Clogged drains

#4. Which of the following backflow incidents occurred in Ohio?

A.  In 1997, backflow from a fire hydrant tainted the tap water of 40,000 households with 60 gallons of firefighting foam.

B.  In 2015, E. coli contaminated the entire water supply of a large U.S. city because a single homeowner failed to install a backflow preventer on his irrigation system.

C.  In 1970, wine backflowed from a distilling tank into a large city’s water mains and out of the faucets of nearby homeowners.

D.  In 1991, an improperly installed AVB on a residential irrigation system caused rust, debris and parasitic worms to flow into the water supply of a small U.S. city.

E.  In 1996, about 50,000 gallons of reclaimed water backflowed into a large city’s potable water supply after improper installation of a residential irrigation system.

#5. In 1898, a water utility was penalized for the first time because of contaminated water. How much was the fine?

A.  $500
B.  $10,000
C.  $5,000
D.  $15,000
E.  No fine, but the utility was shut down.

#6. Who can be held accountable for installing the wrong type of backflow preventer on an irrigation system?

A.  Water purveyor
B.  Inspector
C.  Customer
D.  Contractor
E.  A, C and D


#1. Answer: B. Nearly 100 deaths and over 1,700 documented cases of illness are attributed to the incident, which spread across 206 U.S. cities. (Because the incubation period for Amoebic Dysentery is 12-30 days, the sickness was not discovered until the visitors had returned to their homes.) It was one of the deadliest backflow events in history. Ironically, the fair’s theme that year was “A Century of Progress.”

#2. Answer: C. While public health officials have been concerned about water quality and backflow prevention since the turn of the 20th century, it wasn’t until the passage of the Safe Drinking Water Act in 1974 that Congress took action to safeguard human health from contaminants in drinking water.

#3. Answer: D. According to Contractor magazine, exterior taps and garden hoses are the most common source of backflow in the U.S.

#4. Answer C. The wine backflow incident occurred in December 1970 in Cincinnati. (Sort of brings a whole new meaning to “wine on tap”!) The fire hydrant incident occurred in Charlotte, NC; the E. coli affair happened in Corpus Christi, TX; the worms flowed in Southgate, MI; and the reclaimed water event occurred in Tampa-St. Petersburg, FL.

#5. Answer: C. The utility was fined $5,000. Today, a federal court can assess up to $15,000 per day as a penalty for maintaining a hazardous connection.

#6. Answer: E. The water purveyor is responsible for water quality to the last meter connection. Water customers are ultimately responsible for properly maintaining their irrigation systems. And, of course, the contractor is responsible for ensuring the work is done properly. The backflow inspector is only responsible for those devices he has inspected and certified as safe. (Okay, so it was a trick question.)

Featured Image: Adobe, License Granted
American Backflow Prevention Association
Chicago Backflow Inc.
Study Stack
Backflow Solutions Inc.
University of Florida


Surviving Mosquito Season

Surviving Mosquito Season

Best Practices for Keeping
Nature’s Bloodsuckers at Bay

It’s July in Ohio, and that means mosquito season will soon reach its peak.

As a green industry professional, you can help reduce mosquito populations in your customers’ landscapes.

More Than Just a Nuisance

According to the CDC, West Nile virus (WNV) is the most common mosquito-borne disease in the continental United States. Around 2,205 cases are reported each year. Unfortunately, there is currently no treatment or vaccine for the disease. Although 80% of people infected are asymptomatic, 20% experience fever and flu-like symptoms. One percent of those will become disabled or die.

The mosquito responsible for WNV is found throughout Ohio, but primarily in the northern and western parts of the state. About 58 human cases of the virus are reported each year in Ohio. However, epidemics can flare up under certain environmental conditions, such as the 441 cases in 2002 and 122 cases in 2012.

Another mosquito-borne disease that affects Ohioans is the La Crosse virus (LACV). LACV is endemic in Ohio, where more human cases have been reported than any other state (about 20 per year).

The aggressive mosquito that carries LACV is a daytime biter commonly found in wooded areas, mainly in the state’s eastern and southern forests. LACV can cause swelling of the brain (encephalitis) and usually affects young people under the age of 16.

Breeding Ground

Mosquitoes breed in standing water. Any water that remains stagnant for more than a few days allows mosquito larvae to develop, particularly where debris serves as a food source. (Did you know that some mosquito species can breed in containers as small as a bottle cap?!)

Here’s what you can do:

Bug Off!

Certain plants possess active mosquito-repelling properties. Encourage your customers to incorporate some of these plants into their residential landscapes:

  • Mint
  • Bee Balm
  • Allium
  • American Beautyberry
  • Catnip
  • Marigold
  • Fennel
  • Basil
  • Lavender
  • Thyme
  • Lemon Balm
  • Sage

Source:  The Spruce

  • When designing a landscape, remember that certain soil types and natural terrain depressions can cause water to pool quickly.
  • Conduct a full property inspection for potential pooling areas every time you visit a customer’s outdoor space. Drainage areas blocked by tree limbs, leaves, or rocks can result in stagnant water.
  • If you observe any standing water, work with your customer to ensure the container (birdbath, planter, tire swing, pool cover, etc.) is emptied every three to five days, and the sides are scraped to dislodge mosquito eggs.
  • Plug any hollow stumps or tree holes that hold water. Remind customers to drill holes in swings and other objects for drainage.
  • Keep grass and shrubbery well-trimmed and repair leaky irrigation or drainage pipes.

Mosquito Control

Mosquito control that treats both young and adult mosquitoes can further reduce the pesky populations.

  • The professionals at Site One recommend spraying LESCO Mosquito Free around the outdoor living space. Other control methods include traps and repellents, many of which are organic and bio-friendly.
  • For areas with unavoidable standing water — such as water gardens — apply pet-safe Mosquito Dunks.
  • Advise your customers about bio-friendly insecticides and mosquito repellents, such as NatureShield® and Mosquito Magician. These products will not harm birds or pollinators, and they can be applied directly through the homeowner’s irrigation system.

Featured Image: Adobe, License Granted
Irrigation & Lighting
Ohio Dept. of Health

Landscape Lighting + Irrigation = Perfect Synergy!

Landscape Lighting + Irrigation = Perfect Synergy!

Designing a Cohesive
Irrigation and Lighting System

Whether for convenience, safety, utility, aesthetics, or any combination thereof, irrigation and outdoor lighting work together like a hand-in-glove.

When homeowners understand the synergy between landscape lighting and irrigation, they can transform their outdoor spaces into harmonized havens of beauty and efficiency. As Smart Irrigation Month approaches (see sidebar, “We Are Smart Irrigation”), let’s look at how combining these two essential elements can create a seamless and stunning residential landscape.

Lighting and Irrigation Synergy

“We Are Smart Irrigation”

The Smart Irrigation Month 2024 theme is “We Are Smart Irrigation.”

It’s time for irrigation professionals to raise awareness about how smart irrigation products, technologies, and practices positively impact our communities.

Here’s how you can help:

  • Promote Smart Irrigation Month on social media.
  • Add the Smart Irrigation Month logo to marketing and business materials.
  • Submit a Smart Irrigation Month press release to local media.
  • Petition your city or state government officials to proclaim July as Smart Irrigation Month.

By helping customers understand the importance of water conservation and sustainability, we can make a difference.

A coordinated lighting and irrigation plan can simplify installation and maintenance. Planning and installing these systems concurrently creates a more cohesive design. For example, when lighting is strategically placed to illuminate sprinkler heads, they become a feature rather than an eyesore. Similarly, sprinkler systems can be planned to avoid water damage to lighting fixtures. An integrated approach looks better and extends the longevity of both systems.

When combining lighting and sprinkler systems, aesthetics are as important as practicality. From an aesthetics standpoint, proper lighting can enhance water features such as fountains or ponds, making them the centerpiece of a nighttime landscape. For practical purposes, utilizing weather-resistant or waterproof light fixtures will allow the illumination system to withstand exposure to moisture and changing weather conditions.

You’ll want to create a design that complements the overall aesthetic of the homeowner’s outdoor space while ensuring it’s compatible with the functional requirements of both systems.

The following table identifies the technical similarities between outdoor lighting and irrigation systems:

Source: Brilliance LED

Selling It to the Customer

One of the biggest mistakes a contractor can make is simply dropping off a manufacturer’s catalog and asking the customer to “pick out what you like, and I’ll install it.”

Customers need guidance. In your eagerness to close the sale, don’t forget to ask, “Why?”  Neglecting to ask customers what they hope to accomplish can lead to unacceptable results, regardless of how smooth the installation may be.

Did You Know…

In 2022, Irrigation & Green Industry, the Irrigation Association’s monthly magazine, became Irrigation & Lighting. While irrigation is the IA’s core competency, lighting is a closely aligned industry. Expanding the publication’s focus was a natural evolution.

When you meet with customers, carry a notepad and keep them talking until you clearly understand their lifestyle and how they plan to use their outdoor spaces. This effort alone will set you apart from the competition.

Also, don’t hesitate to consult your irrigation or lighting manufacturer for additional design expertise and product guidance.

System(s) Maintenance

Encourage your customers to schedule regular maintenance for both irrigation and lighting systems. This will help them avoid electrical problems, corroded fixtures, clogged nozzles, and broken pipes while keeping these systems in optimal condition.

Because the outdoor environment is continually changing, periodic adjustments and updates may be necessary to adapt to evolving landscapes and weather patterns. Routine maintenance will help maintain the beauty and functionality of your customer’s outdoor space.

Also, stay abreast of the newest trends and technologies so you can help your customers make informed decisions when updating or installing their lighting and sprinkler systems.

Final Thoughts

Combining landscape lighting and irrigation system design is an intelligent approach to creating an attractive and efficient outdoor space. By understanding and integrating these systems, your customers can enjoy a beautifully illuminated and well-maintained residential landscape that enhances their property value and quality of life.

Featured Image: Adobe, License Granted
Brilliance LED
American National Co.
Irrigation Association