Coping with Seasonal Drought

Coping with Seasonal Drought

How to Keep Landscapes Healthy
in Midsummer

July in Ohio is hot.

Along with that intense summer heat comes the prospect of drought. Which means we may have to make some agonizing decisions regarding which plants in our yards and gardens to save and which plants to let go. For some of us, that can be like having to make a “Sophie’s Choice.”

So before the need for these difficult decisions becomes a reality, there are some things we can do to make the most of the water that will be available.

The Importance of Mulch

Did you know that more than 50 percent of the water applied to bare soil is lost through evaporation? Of course, the rate of that evaporation increases with higher air temperatures, solar radiation and wind. But applying mulch in landscape and garden beds can help to recoup almost all of that moisture loss, depending on the type of mulch used. (Added bonus:  Mulch helps keep the plant roots cool.)

For landscape plants and perennial flower beds, for instance, gardening experts recommend applying shredded bark or wood-chip mulches on top of bare soil at a depth of 3-4 inches. Surprisingly, however, these same wood-chip mulches should not be used in vegetable gardens and annual flower beds.  Why? Because when decomposing, they cause soil microbes to deplete the soil’s nitrogen reserves. This makes the much-needed nitrogen unavailable for use by the garden plants.

Organic Composts

With vegetable gardens and annual beds (or wherever the soil is regularly tilled or disturbed), organic mulches that break down more quickly are advisable. These would include well-rotted compost, animal manure, lawn/yard clippings and any combination of these.

To increase the effectiveness of grass or compost mulches, try this:

  • Place one to two moistened sheets of newspaper on top of the soil, slightly overlapping the sheets
  • Cover the newspaper with a layer of compost mulch.
  • Allow the newspaper to decay over the growing season.
  • Till the decayed paper into the soil, along with the top layer of mulch.

What About Rocks?

Rock mulches should generally be avoided around landscape plants. During the day, the rocks will absorb heat and then radiate that heat back at nighttime. This increases both the heat stress and water needs of plants. In particular, white and other light-colored rock reflects light back onto plants, compounding the heat stress felt by plants during times of drought.

More Drought-Related Tips

Here are a few more guidelines to keep in mind when navigating through a seasonal drought:

  • Do not fertilize. All fertilizers contain salts that will rob the plants of much-need moisture in the soil. Wait until your plants have fully recovered from the effects of drought before fertilizing.  (Plants experiencing drought conditions often appear wilted and droopy because they’re saving their energy.)
  • Do not prune during or immediately following a drought. To do so would place too much stress on the plants. and send them into shock.
  • Apply water slowly and deeply to the soil. The best way to maintain your garden is through drip irrigation or soaker hoses that apply water directly to the soil above the root zone. Placing these hoses under two to three inches of mulch helps retain soil moisture.
  • Hold off on watering until after sundown to reduce evaporative water losses.

Washington State Univ. Extension
Today’s Homeowner
Avon Lake Regional Water

The Next Level of Smart Irrigation Month

The Next Level of Smart Irrigation Month

Smart Irrigation Month Is
Right Around the Corner

July is the peak month for water consumption in the U.S., which is why every July the Irrigation Association uses its national platform to promote smart irrigation practices and technologies.

This year, why not join them in taking Smart Irrigation Month to the next level?

First launched in 2005, this national campaign continues to gain traction each year as consumers and irrigation specialists alike recognize the positive impact efficient irrigation and water use provides to all of us.

Smart Systems

Among the strategies being presented to consumers, first and foremost is proper programming of automatic watering or sprinkler systems to deliver just the right amount of water at the right time.

Additional strategies include:

  • Proper landscaping, keeping soil healthy, mulching and routine landscape maintenance
  • Watering during the evening and early morning to prevent evaporation, taking soil type and sprinkler placement into consideration
  • Maintaining the sprinkler system regularly by adjusting sprinkler heads, repairing leaks and monitoring pressure


According to the EPA’s WaterSense website, adopting water-savvy habits also is essential to maintaining and extending our communities’ water supplies, especially during peak use. WaterSense partners with manufacturers, retailers/distributors, and utilities to bring high-performing, water-efficient products to the marketplace.

WaterSense also partners with professional certifying organizations to promote water–efficient landscape irrigation practices. Since the program began in 2006, WaterSense has helped consumers save a total of 1.5 trillion gallons of water, resulting in more than $32.6 billion in water and energy bill savings.

Take the Tuna Can Test!

Place a few empty tuna cans randomly around your lawn, with some cans close to the sprinkler head and others several feet away. Turn on your system and measure how much time it takes your sprinkler to fill the cans with a half inch of water. Then, try watering for that amount of time twice a week. Gauge how your landscape responds, and adjust based on weather conditions.

Alternatively, you can simplify this system by replacing your standard clock timer controller with a WaterSense-labeled irrigation controller.

Get On Board

Here are just a few of the many  “Smart Ideas” irrigation professional can use to promote Smart Irrigation Month:

  • Add the Smart Irrigation Month logo to your website, ads, customer presentations, field signs, invoices and more.
  • Submit a press release or letter to the editor of your local newspaper.
  • Ask employees to add the Smart Irrigation Month logo to their e-mail signature block.
  • Host a live demonstration of water-saving irrigation technologies, in the field or at your location.
  • Feature water-efficient products and services in displays, ads, promotions and product demos with the Smart Irrigation Month logo.
  • Use a banner, outside signage or counter sign to encourage customers to ask about smart irrigation.

  • Make smart irrigation the theme of sales calls.
  • Give awards to customers and/or business partners who promote water-efficient practices.
  • Volunteer to speak to a local homeowner association, garden club or civic group.

Remember…Every Drop Counts!

Irrigation Association
EPA WaterSense

Water Scarcity Increases Irrigation Audits

Water Scarcity Increases Irrigation Audits

Irrigation Audits Becoming
Mandatory in Some Areas

Water’s continued scarcity is making irrigation audits more important than ever.

For example, the city of Aspen, Col., now requires that such audits be completed whenever a new landscaping system has been installed. And the audit must be performed by a third-party certified landscape irrigation auditor.

There’s only one problem: Such certified auditors are as rare as hens’ teeth in that area of Colorado.

A Host of New Regulations

The irrigation audits are part of a package of new regulations for the city, which also require that all new or substantially remodeled residential projects include a landscape plan, an irrigation plan and a water budget for the site.

In order to address the lack of certified auditors in the area, Aspen city officials hope to establish a local training program.

The city’s new water-budget goal for landscaping is to use no more than 7.5 gallons per square foot per season. So far, 17 properties have been landscaped and irrigated using the new regulations. Those projects averaged 7.2 gallons per square foot, according to a parks and utilities representative.

Aspen’s new landscaping regulations apply only to residential and commercial properties. They do not apply to “irrigation of public parks, sports fields, golf courses and schools.”

Increased Need for Auditors

Of course, the need for certified irrigation auditors is greatest in areas with water scarcity issues, like the Southwest. But water conservation and water efficiency are two separate goals. Even areas that typically receive adequate precipitation (like Ohio) could always benefit from increased water efficiency.

As the pursuit of improved water efficiency becomes increasingly popular (and important), the need for certified irrigation auditors will most likely increase, too. Irrigation auditing entails three steps:

  1. Collecting data
  2. Verifying that irrigation systems are working as designed, and
  3. Identifying opportunities to improve water efficiency.

An effective auditor will:

  • Analyze water requirements and irrigation use within the context of each site’s unique conditions.
  • Develop irrigation schedules based on water requirements, quality and availability.
  • Make maintenance recommendations to keep the irrigation system working reliably and cost effectively.
  • Estimate potential dollar and water savings from implementing innovative irrigation technologies, products and practices.

Where to Start?

To become a Certified Landscape Irrigation Auditor (CLIA) under the Irrigation Association’s program, a landscape contractor must:

  • Have at least one year of professional experience
  • Pass a written exam, and
  • Submit a completed water audit which includes one rotor and one spray area for evaluation (verified by an IA-certified professional in good standing).

According to Brent Mecham, the IA’s industry development leader, the CLIA program “shows that you have the expertise needed and that you’re better qualified to evaluate irrigation systems.”

If you’re interested in adding irrigation audits to your menu of landscaping services, click here to start the process.

Aspen Times
Irrigation & Green Industry
Irrigation Association

CIT Training Sessions Well Received

CIT Training Sessions Well Received

CIT Trainees Learn Basics,
Prepare for Exam

Last month, 18 Ohio-area landscaping contractors participated in Certified Irrigation Technician (CIT) training at two separate sites. These Irrigation Association training sessions were sponsored by Wolf Creek Company and Rain Bird.

During the training, contractors learned the basics of hydraulics and irrigation system installation and maintenance. In addition to an overview of irrigation system components and how they operate, attendees learned how to:

  • Glue and repair PVC pipe
  • Install nozzles and adjust sprinkler heads
  • Set and repair electric valves
  • Utilize various field and controller wiring techniques.

Trainees also prepared for the CIT exam, a prerequisite to receiving certification.

CIT Overview

A CIT is an entry-level irrigation field professional, and it is the newest certification offered by the Irrigation Association. CITs install, maintain and repair irrigation systems. Their responsibilities include:

  • Cutting and joining pipe, with an understanding of basic hydraulics, as well as the limitations of different piping systems.
  • Laying out and installing pipes and water delivery components; backflow prevention components; mechanical, hydraulic and electrical irrigation controls; and other irrigation system components.
  • Troubleshooting and repairing all irrigation components and systems.

Becoming a CIT

Certification gives you a competitive edge. By becoming a CIT, you can:

  • Add instant credibility with customers and employers.
  • Increase job opportunities.
  • Demonstrate your commitment to efficient water management.
  • Qualify for the EPA WaterSense program.

Interested? Here’s what you have to do:

  • Pass the irrigation technician exam. The three-hour exam includes 100 equally weighted, multiple-choice questions on basic irrigation principles, basic electrical principles and basic hydraulics.

CIT Exam Fees

  • Irrigation Technician Exam Fee — $175 (Member), $300 (Nonmember)
  • Exam Retake Fee — $175 (Member), $300 (Nonmember)
  • Annual Renewal Fee (one certification) — $50 (Member), $100 (Nonmember)
  • Annual Renewal Fee (two or more certifications) — $100 (Member), $150 (Nonmember)
EPA’s 10th Annual “Fix a Leak” Week Starts March 19

EPA’s 10th Annual “Fix a Leak” Week Starts March 19

Fix-a-Leak Week
Celebrates 10 Years

Did you know….

Each year, household leaks can waste more than 1 trillion gallons of water nationwide? That amount is:

  • Enough to fill 40 million swimming pools and 24 billion bathtubs
  • Almost equal to the capacity of Florida’s vast Lake Okeechobee
  • Equal to the annual household water use of more than 11 million homes

Plug That Leak!

The EPA’s “Fix a Leak Week” is a national effort to stop that waste. This year commemorates the 10th anniversary of the event, which runs from March 19 through March 25.

fix a leak

Leaky kitchen and bathroom faucets, malfunctioning toilets and errant sprinkler systems cause much of the water waste. Fixing some of these easily corrected household leaks can save homeowners about 10 percent on their water bills, according to the EPA.

Karen Wirth is in charge of marketing and outreach for the EPA’s WaterSense program. In her view, most folks are clueless about the total amount of water wasted because they “see a couple of drips coming out of their shower head, or sprinkler outside, or faucet, it doesn’t seem like that much.”

So each year, the EPA hones in on the drips during Fix a Leak Week. Special events are planned from coast to coast to teach homeowners how to find and fix household leaks. To download the EPA’s Fix a Leak fact sheet click, click here.

Easy Fixes

There’s a simple way to check for leaks in the toilet, Wirth said. “Just put a few drops of food coloring in the tank. If that shows up in the bowl, you have a leak.” This problem can often be fixed by simply replacing the flapper.

Replacing old and worn faucet washers and gaskets fixes most faucet leaks.

For leaky shower heads, use pipe tape to secure the connection between the showerhead and the pipe stem.

For the EPA’s complete list of leak fixesclick here.

Call a Professional

Irrigation systems can be another problem area. But this one is best left to the professionals.

“An irrigation system that has a leak 1/32nd of an inch in diameter (about the thickness of a dime) can waste about 6,300 gallons of water per month,” according to the EPA.

They suggest that homeowners consult an irrigation professional certified by WaterSense to check for leaks throughout the system.

The Washington Post
Alliance for Water Efficiency

Give Your Sprinkler a Spring Tune-Up

Give Your Sprinkler a Spring Tune-Up

Sprinkler System Start-Up Tips

The warmth of spring means it’s time to prepare your landscape sprinkler system for another season of watering.

Hiring a qualified irrigation professional to perform tasks like spring start-up is always best, but experienced do-it-yourselfers, can follow these tips:

Timing Is Everything

First of all, you need to make sure spring has indeed sprung. The soil beneath your landscaping is always the last to thaw, so use a shovel to confirm that the ground is frost-free 12 inches down. Starting your sprinkler system while the ground is still frozen can result in damaged pipes. Is the ground still hard as a rock? Wait another week and try again.

Then check the settings on your sprinkler to make sure they’re appropriate for your landscape’s watering needs. Replace the back-up battery in the timer/controller, if necessary.

Go with the Flow

Before turning on any water to the system, double-check that all manual drain valves are returned to the “closed” position.  When you first turn the water back on, be sure to open the system main water valve SLOWLY to allow pipes to fill with water gradually. Opening the water valve to quickly can result in a high-pressure surge called “water hammer,” which often causes burst pipes and damaged valves.

Check for rocks, dirt, sand and other types of debris that could block your sprinkler heads. And keep an eye out for spray heads that may have become buried with debris over the course of the winter.

Nozzles and sprinkler heads are designed to withstand normal wear and tear of irrigation, but not errant lawn mowers or snowplows. So be sure to replace all cracked, chipped or worn components.  A broken or leaky sprinkler can wreak havoc on both your landscaping and water bills.

Valves and Pressure Gauges

The valves in your irrigation system are the system’s heart. It’s important to visually inspect each valve to determine that it’s operating properly. You can do this by manually activating all zones from the controller.

Also, make sure the water pressure is at a safe operating range.  Too much pressure will result in cracked pipes, busted valves, sprinkler head leaks and inefficient watering.

A water pressure gauge is often helpful. These devices typically connect to a hose faucet and give you a good idea of the pressure in your irrigation system. (Suggested operating range is typically 40 -65 PSI.) Hint: If water is “misting” out of your sprinkler heads, your pressure is too high and should be reduced.

Think It’ll Rain?

Most modern irrigation systems are equipped with a rain sensor. This device should also be checked prior to activating your system in the spring. Here’s how:

  1. First, consult the systems operator’s manual to determine the proper setting for testing your unit. (For example, some systems must be set to the “manual all stations” setting to test them. If that is the case with your system, you cannot test it on the “manual single station” setting.)
  2. After properly setting the irrigation system control, check the system to make sure it came on. (You may need a helper to assist you.)
  3. Once you have confirmed that the sprinkler is running, depress the plunger located on the top of the rain sensor.  The sprinkler system should stop irrigating within a few seconds.
  4. If watering does not stop when you depress the plunger, you’ll have to troubleshoot the system. Confirm that all wiring connections on the sensor and on the sprinkler control unit are tight. Check to make certain that the jumper tab, also called a jumper wire, was removed when the rain sensor was hooked up to the control panel.

Also be aware that the disk inside a rain sensor can become clogged with dirt or insects, which can keep it from functioning properly. Consult your operator’s manual for the correct procedure to clean the disk.

A Word about Backflow

A backflow device has been installed on your irrigation system in accordance with Ohio state law. This device prevents a cross-connection from occurring between the drinkable and undrinkable water in your home.

Spring is a good time to have your backflow preventer tested, as annual testing of the device is required in the state of Ohio. This testing can only be done by individuals who have been certified by an approved testing school. Backflow testers must have at least 24 hours of training in the classroom and hands-on test lab.

To locate a certified backflow tester in your area, Click Here.

Leave It to the Pros

Again, it’s best to leave all spring start-up tasks to the professionals. A qualified service technician will go through your irrigation system zone by zone and check every irrigation spray pattern for optimum turf and plant coverage, as well as check each sprinkler head and valve for any leaks. He can also test and clean your rain or weather sensor to ensure top performance.

Lastly, the technician will program the controller for the proper irrigation schedule, based on your landscape and weather conditions, as well as neighborhood watering restrictions.

Hunter Industries
SF Gate