Water-Energy Nexus: The Power of Water

Water-Energy Nexus: The Power of Water

Water for Energy for Water

Water and energy are inextricably linked.

It takes a significant amount of water to create energy. Likewise, it takes a significant amount of energy to extract, move and treat water.

U.S. power plants withdraw 143 billion gallons of fresh water every day. That’s more than the amount withdrawn for irrigation and three times as much as is used for public water supplies.

Water and Electricity

When we think of water and electricity, hydropower is usually the first thing that comes to mind. But power plants that use coal, oil, nuclear energy or natural gas are also water-dependent.

By burning coal or natural gas (or by maintaining a fission reaction), these power plants generate heat. The heat is then used to boil water, produce steam, and turn turbines. Much of the water used by these plants is needed to cool the steam they generate.

Withdrawal vs. Consumption

In order to better understand how much water is used by power plants, we must first define some terms.

Water “use” by power plants comes in two forms: withdrawal and consumption.  Withdrawal refers to the amount of water a power plant extracts from a lake, river, aquifer, or other water source. Power plants that use “once-through cooling” technology withdraw large volumes of water a single time. They then discharge it directly to waste.

Withdrawal is important for several reasons:

  • Water intake systems can trap aquatic wildlife
  • Water withdrawn for cooling (but not consumed) is returned to the environment heated, potentially harming wildlife
  • Power plants that tap groundwater for cooling can deplete aquifers.

Consumption refers to the water that evaporates in the cooling process. Consumption reduces the amount of water available for other uses, such as sustaining ecosystems. Plants that use “recirculating cooling” technology tend to have lower rates of water withdrawal, but consume much more of that water through evaporation.

So How Much Water Do Power Plants Use?

2013 report published in Environmental Research Letters found that, in the year analyzed (2008), U.S. power plants:

  • Withdrew some 50 trillion gallons of water
  • Consumed 1.6 trillion gallons of that water
  • Used freshwater (non-ocean) sources for 86 percent of those water withdrawals and 96 percent of the water they consumed.

This means that about 100 billion gallons of freshwater is withdrawn daily and several billion gallons consumed.

How does this compare with our other water needs, say, agriculture?

When it comes to withdrawals, power plants are number one. According to the most recent available data provided by U.S. Geological Survey, the power sector is responsible for more than 40 percent of freshwater withdrawals.

On the consumption side, agriculture is the biggest user. (Much of the water used to irrigate fields doesn’t make it back out.)

What Can Be Done?

As climate change continues to affect precipitation and temperature patterns across the country, water-dependent energy production could be inhibited.

There are several ways we can address the water-related impacts of energy use:

  • Designing appliances, buildings, and vehicles to be more energy efficient. This is the simplest and most cost-effective solution. The less energy used, the less water required.
  • Retrofitting old coal or nuclear power plants with more water-efficient cooling systems. According to scientists, this could potentially double water consumption, but could reduce water withdrawals to a mere fraction of current use.
  • Encouraging (i.e., incentivizing) the expansion of renewable technologies (such as wind and solar energy) that require no water usage.

Union of Concerned Scientists
National Conference of State Legislatures
U.S. Dept of Energy

CIT Training Scheduled for December 17, 2018

CIT Training Scheduled for December 17, 2018

CIT Training Sponsored by Wolf Creek

CIT training is scheduled from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Wolf Creek’s Columbus branch, located at 6700-B Huntley Road in Columbus, Ohio.

To register, contact your Wolf Creek representative, or click the registration box above. Space is limited; cost for the training is $100 per attendee.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to add instant credibility to employers and increase your marketability, all while demonstrating your commitment to efficient water management!

What Exactly Does a CIT Do?

Certified Irrigation Technicians install, maintain and repair irrigation systems.

This entails knowing the limitations of different piping systems and understand basic hydraulics, in order to properly cut and join pipe.

CIT’s lay out, install and repair all irrigation system components, including:

  • Piping and water delivery components
  • Backflow prevention components
  • Mechanical, hydraulic and electrical irrigation controls

To Become a CIT You Must:

  • Pass the irrigation technician exam. The three-hour exam includes 100 equally weighted, multiple-choice questions on basic irrigation principles, basic electrical principles and basic hydraulics.

CIT Exam Fees

  • Irrigation Technician Exam Fee — $175 (Member), $300 (Nonmember)
  • CIT Training

    Exam Retake Fee — $175 (Member), $300 (Nonmember)

  • Annual Renewal Fee (one certification) — $50 (Member), $100 (Nonmember)
  • Annual Renewal Fee (two or more certifications) — $100 (Member), $150 (Nonmember)
Irrigation Show 2018 Is Set

Irrigation Show 2018 Is Set

December 3-7 at the Long Beach Convention
and Entertainment Center

Irrigation Show 2018 is the only national trade show designed specifically for irrigation professionals.

It’s where the irrigation industry comes together to network, learn and promote irrigation. (Did you know it’s also the world’s biggest irrigation trade show?)

Register by Nov. 1 to save on education classes, full registration and exhibits. Discount housing is also open, and attendees can book their hotel online.

To download the Irrigation Association’s 24-page Registration Brochure, click here.

More than 4,000 distributors, dealers, contractors, consultants and growers are expected to attend this year’s event in Long Beach, California. You’ll have the opportunity to:

  • Check out new and innovative products, technologies and services.
  • Explore new suppliers.
  • Learn about the latest business trends and irrigation best practices.
  • Network with current business partners and with industry leaders who share the Ohio IA’s commitment to efficient irrigation.

New This Year: Radio Row

Radio Row is a dedicated space for radio stations and podcasts from across the country to provide live broadcasts and interviews with irrigation professionals and experts attending the Irrigation Show. See some of your favorite ag radio and podcast hosts live and in action.

irrigation showExtended Floor Hours

This year, show floor hours have been extended to 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 5, and 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 6.

Educational Opportunities

You can discover great ideas, learn new skills and earn CEUs with some of the industry’s most experienced professionals. Landscape irrigation topics for educational classes at this year’s Irrigation Show include:

  • Pumps and Soils
  • Landscape Irrigation Design
  • Advanced Irrigation Wiring Methods
  • Hydraulic Troubleshooting
  • Alternative Water for Landscape Irrigation
  • Landscape Drip Irrigation Design
  • Two-Wire Technology Systems for Landscapes
  • The Business of Landscape Irrigation Contracting

One-hour seminars will provide detailed coverage on a focused topic in landscape irrigation. Seminars are open to all attendees with a full registration. Participants will earn 1.00 CEU for each hour. This year’s topics will include:

  • Weather-Based Irrigation Controllers
  • Low-Impact Development and Irrigation
  • Impacts of Irrigation in Building Rating Systems
  • Using Drones to Improve Irrigation Management

Certification Exams

Exams for the following certification programs will also be available at this year’s Irrigation Show:

Irrigation Association
Landscape Management

Welcome Puhl Landscape Design!

Welcome Puhl Landscape Design!

Newest Ohio IA Member:
Puhl Landscape Design

The Ohio IA extends a warm welcome to our newest member, Adam Puhl of Puhl Landscape Design.

PLD offers a full line of landscape design, irrigation and lighting services to the Dayton, Ohio, market. The company has been in business since 2002, and specializes in the design, installation and maintenance of residential irrigation systems.

We’re confident that Adam and his team will quickly appreciate the many benefits of membership with the Ohio IA. Such as meeting his future labor and education needs and providing him a forum to discuss relevant topics with other irrigation contractors from across the state.

We’re glad to welcome PLD into our association of irrigation professionals!

New Format for This Year’s MGIX

New Format for This Year’s MGIX

ONLA Transitioning to MGIX Series

Look for a new format this year for the Midwest Green Industry Experience (MGIX).

Instead of a single trade show and conference, the Ohio Nursery and Landscape Association (ONLA) is transitioning to a collection of three professional networking programs for 2018-2019. The new programs, called the MGIX Series, will prioritize education, business development, collaboration and relationship building.

A New Setup

ONLA is hoping that the new conference format will better serve its membership, by offering more personalized programming throughout the year and at various locations across the state.

MGIX Member SummitThe first event in the series, the MGIX Member Summit, is scheduled for Dec. 12 and 13, 2018, at the Hilton Easton in Columbus. [Note the new venue.] The two-day summit is designed to provide a solutions-based learning experience for landscaping professionals. Highlights will include a keynote presentation by Terri McEnaney, president of Bailey Nurseries; “speed-networking” with MGIX Member Summit sponsors; and ONLA’s annual awards celebration.

Educational Sessions

Breakout tracks will dive deeply into best practices and emerging trends pertinent to green industry business owners, managers and team leaders. Scheduled topics include:

  • Landscape Design and Maintenance
  • Business and Marketing
  • Plant Trends and Best Selections
  • Pests and Diseases
Of particular interest to irrigation professionals:
  • Sustainable Irrigation in Residential and Commercial Projects. Presented by Jeff Muhlbach, Cleveland-based irrigation design consultant and landscape architect.
  • Environmental Requirements: What You Need to Know and The Path Toward Sustainability. Both sessions presented by Daniel Sowry, from the Ohio EPA’s Office of Compliance Assistance and Pollution Prevention.

Industry speakers will include national experts, Ohio State University educators and local colleagues. Continuing education units (CEU’s) will be available for all sessions. To download the complete educational schedule, click here.

MGIX educational sessions

Registration for Member Summit

Registration deadline for the MGIX Member Summit is Friday, November 30. To register, click here. To download the conference program, click here. For additional information, visit the MGIX website.

MGIX Training Days

MGIX Training Days: Gear Up for Springthe second and third events in the MGIX Series, will take place in 2019.These two events are scheduled for March 5 in Dayton and March 7 in Cleveland. Both of the one-day programs will feature educational sessions, workshops and business development opportunities for green industry professionals.

The ONLA will announce details for the Training Days events at a later date. Registration for MGIX Training Days opens in mid-December, 2018.

Trade Show History

This new format (sans trade show) represents quite a change for the organization and the end of an era.

MGIX trade showIn fact, did you know that ONLA has hosted some form of its annual trade show since 1964? (The association itself has been around since 1908.)

Over the years, the show just kept getting bigger. In 1994 it became known at The Central Environmental Nursery Trade Show (CENTS). In its peak year of 2002, CENTS featured 1,357 booths occupied by 710 firms. The number of registered attendees hit a whopping 13,035.

After that, attendance gradually began to dwindle, as more green industry professionals chose to transact business online.

In 2017, ONLA rebranded the event as MGIX, in an effort to be more inclusive of its diverse trade show audience. It also expanded its roster of educational opportunities.

Lawn & Landscape
Nursery Management

Saving Water Through Hydrozoning

Saving Water Through Hydrozoning

The Importance of Grouping Plants
in Hydrozones

Unfortunately, many irrigation systems are set to water all plants in the landscape at the same time and rate.

This approach wastes water.

But by grouping together plants with similar water needs, homeowners can improve their irrigation system’s efficiency, avoiding both overwatering and underwatering. With hydrozoning, the plantings that require less water are situated farther from the water source.

The Hydrozone Plan

When creating hydrozones, you first want to identify the specific water requirements for individual plantings. (Information on water needs can be found through your local extension service.)

Wherever possible, consider replacing high-maintenance plants with native plants that would naturally require less water.

Once water needs of plants are identified, you’ll want to create four categories for watering: Routine Irrigation, Reduced Irrigation, Limited Irrigation and No Irrigation. When labeling your zones, consider not only types of plants in that area, but also element exposure.

For example, areas that receive direct sunlight will require more water than those located in shade. Similarly, for plantings situated at the top or bottom of a slope, you’ll need to account for runoff and accumulation.

Let’s take a look at each of the four zones.

Zone 1: Routine Irrigation.

This is the area that requires the most water. It’s the highest-maintenance hydrozone, and typically encompasses turf grasses, particularly in high-traffic areas such as playgrounds. (Other areas of your lawn may be zoned differently, and even allowed to go dormant or semi-dormant during dry spells.)

Early morning is considered the best time to water a lawn, with less chance for evaporation and wind loss. Conversely, try not to water your lawn late in the evening; the grass will stay wet all night, and become more susceptible to disease. When watering a lawn, be sure to wet the soil to a depth of 4 to 6 inches.

This zone can also include any water-loving trees and shrubs you may have, such as eastern red cedar or elderberry bushes.

Zone 2: Reduced Irrigation

Zone 2 generally includes areas that are used less for activity, such as shrub and flower beds located near the main entrance of a home.

The amount of water this zone requires depends on the maturity of the plants, amount of direct sunlight received, and depth of mulch.

The soil here should remain somewhat moist, not crumbly dry and not dripping wet. You want to make sure these plants receive enough water to thoroughly replenish the plant’s moisture. (Hint:  After watering, the soil should feel like a damp paper towel.)

Zone 3: Limited Irrigation

This is a minimal hydrozone, for areas of your landscape requiring little irrigation. It may include buffer zones between homes, road verges (strips of vegetation between the sidewalk and street) and embankments.

This zone is an ideal location for native plants that will survive primarily on rainfall, with just occasional irrigation to enhance the plants’ health. The Ohio Department of Natural Resources can offer plenty of suggestions.

Zone 4: No Irrigation

The last hydrozone is reserved for areas that require no supplementary water supply. This could include utility areas, mulched parkways, and naturally existing vegetation or xeriscapes.

When hydrozoning, keep in mind the ways in which the various areas are used. Lush “oases” or higher water-use zones are often located closer to the house, while more natural areas with low water needs are placed at the back or edges of the property.

Your hydrozoning plan may take a bit of tweaking and modification, but it will eventually result in an environmentally friendly and thriving landscape.

Water Conservation for Lawn and Landscape
Love Your Landscape
The Spruce