Welcome to the Ohio Irrigation Association
The Ohio Irrigation Association (OIA) was founded with the goal of irrigation professionals coming together from all over this great state in hopes of improving landscape irrigation standards in Ohio. We offer educational events and technical information to raise the level of professionalism within our industry.
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Together we can make a difference.
Ohio Green Industry Advocacy Day – November 16, 2021
Don’t miss this unique opportunity to network with colleagues, meet with state legislators, and make your voice heard …
Reaching Young Minds with an Irrigation Curriculum
Free Irrigation Lesson Plans Available for Educators September means school is now in session across the state. It also means many elementary and secondary schools will be hosting back-to-school nights within the next few weeks. You can help promote the irrigation...
They’re Back! A Return to Live Trade Shows
Green industry professionals eagerly await the return this year of live trade shows and educational events.