Do you know an enterprising college student who’s interested in pursuing a career in irrigation?
He or she may be eligible for an Anthony W. “Tony” LaFetra Scholarship, available through the Irrigation Association and sponsored by Rain Bird.
The IA created its Workforce Development scholarship program in 2017 to help promote irrigation education and provide financial support to worthy candidates pursuing irrigation-related degrees. These scholarships range from $1,000 to $2,500 and are awarded based on:
Encourage Ohio
Students to Pursue Irrigation
Out of 107 Irrigation Association scholarships awarded since 2017, only two Ohio students have received the prize. We can do better!
Help position our industry for future growth by encouraging students at local two- and four-year institutions to pursue careers in irrigation. Spread the word that these scholarships are available for worthy individuals.
Don’t delay! Application deadline is March 31, 2023.
Student’s letter of intent,
Student’s financial need,
Three reference letters,
Student’s resume, and
Student’s current or completed irrigation-related courses.
About the Scholarship
Through 2026, the IA’s scholarship program is being sponsored exclusively by Rain Bird Corporation. The program has been renamed the Anthony W. “Tony” LaFetra Scholarship Program in honor of Rain Bird’s late president and CEO. The two top scholarship recipients will be designated as Anthony W. “Tony” LaFetra scholars. Last year Troy Bowman, a Cincinnati State student, was one of those top recipients.
Eligible students must:
Be a U.S. citizen;
Be currently enrolled (undergraduate or graduate) at a U.S. vocation or technical school, university, community college, or similar institution of higher learning with a graduation date of December 2023 or later;
Have completed or be currently enrolled in a class with an irrigation-related curriculum;
Not be a prior recipient of this award;
Have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.5 (on a 4.0 scale); and
Demonstrate financial need.
Scholarship applications, instructions, and additional information are available here.
Join Us February 22, 2023 at the
Ohio Statehouse for Advocacy Day!
Join the industry partners of OhioPLANT in the upcoming Green Industry Advocacy Day scheduled for Tuesday, February 22, 2023 at the Ohio Statehouse in Columbus. Show your organization is part of a multi-billion dollar industry in Ohio and the importance of having a presence with Ohio’s new 135th General Assembly.
OhioPLANT is a coalition of pesticide, landscape, agriculture, nursery, and turf professionals who collaboratively advocate on behalf of those professions represented. This unified voice has made OhioPLANT the go-to resource for our state agencies and elected officials when discussing matters impacting these industries.
Tentative schedule of the day:
8:30 – 9:30 AM
Legislative Breakfast Reception
9:30 – 10:00 AM
OhioPLANT Update – Tony Seegers. Esq.
10:00 – 10:30 AM
Guest Speaker TBD
10:30 – 11:00 AM
Guest Speaker TBD
11:00 AM and on
Appointments with legislators
Boxed lunch at your convenience
Ohio Green Industry Advocacy Day is hosted by industry partners of OhioPLANT.
Don’t miss this unique opportunity to network with green industry colleagues, meet with your state legislators, and make your voice heard on issues critical to irrigation professionals.
This year, our participation in this grassroots effort is more important than ever before.
House and Senate term limits mean there will be many new faces in the state legislature, as well as in committees and chairs. Let’s make ourselves known to them!
Free to Ohio IA Members
Ohio Green Industry Advocacy Day is FREE to Ohio IA members.
As one of the events sponsors, we’re counting on you. Legislative and regulatory advocacy is one of the key benefits of Ohio IA membership which is strengthened by your active participation.
Advocacy Day provides a unique opportunity to build relationships with both green industry business partners, and members of the Ohio legislature and their staff. After all, who can tell our story better than you?
Free to Ohio IA members
What to Expect
The morning session will feature key legislative speakers, after which attendees will be briefed on discussion issues for the legislative meetings scheduled in the afternoon.
The afternoon meetings with elected officials provide an opportunity to discuss key irrigation issues (like water quality, water quantity, and environmental reforms) and state policymakers. Our legislators must hear from us in order to make informed decisions about issues critical to our industry.
The Most Eco-Friendly Way to Control Pests
in Your Customer’s Landscape
If your irrigation business also provides landscaping services, now’s the time of year to think about controlling spring pests. Grubs, billbugs, and dandelion seeds lurk beneath the snow, waiting to attack as soon as the first green appears.
Integrated pest management (IPM) is an effective and sustainable approach to pest control that employs a variety of techniques for managing common lawn and garden pests. It’s an eco-friendly alternative that can help prevent infestation from occurring.
IPM was first developed for large-scale agricultural operations, but its basic tenets also apply to residential landscapes. It incorporates an understanding of plant biology, insect pests, and plant diseases, taking into consideration a landscape’s entire ecosystem – not just a segment.
IPM Control Strategies
IPM involves four general control strategies: cultural control, physical control, biological control, and chemical control. Each of these strategies should utilize natural solutions for the least-disruptive pest management measure possible.
Not a Landscaper?
If your irrigation business does not provide landscaping services, you may wonder why IPM matters to you. The fact is, poor irrigation practices can sabotage your customer’s IPM strategy, significantly increasing the likelihood of lawn and garden pests, particularly:
Leaf spot and other fungal diseases
White grubs, spittlebugs, and garden slugs due to overwatering
Sod webworms, bluegrass billbugs, and spider mites due to under watering.
In addition, customers who employ IPM techniques will benefit greatly from a periodic irrigation audit to ensure maximum effectiveness.
Cultural Control
Cultural control measures modify natural environment to reduce the potential for pest problems. An example would be removing old plant material, infested plants, and weeds that may harbor pests.
Optimizing plant health is another cultural control method. This would include proper irrigation, fertilization and pruning to reduce plant stress. Two of the most effective cultural controls are selecting native plants (which are naturally resistant to native pests) and hydrozoning.
Physical Control
Physical controls are activities that physically remove or block a pest from your customer’s landscape. These controls are most effective when pest populations are low. Examples of physical controls include spraying plants with water to dislodge pests, installing barriers such as row covers or nets, setting insect traps, and hand-pulling weeds.
Physical controls can also be employed for pests that build nests or feed together. For instance, pruning out web-infested branches can reduce pest populations and damage.
Biological Control
Biological control involves using a pest’s natural enemies (e.g., beneficial insects) to reduce pest numbers. There are two different kinds of biological control: conservation and augmentative.
In conservation biological control the landscaper provides the resources needed to attract and keep a pest’s natural enemies within the landscape. Such resources might include nectar and pollen, alternative prey, water, and nesting sites.
For augmentative biological control the landscaper releases the pest’s natural enemies directly into the environment. Lady bugs and praying mantises are popular choices for this purpose. For weed management, the seedhead and rosette weevils have proven to be effective biological controls.
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Chemical Control
Chemical control is used in IPM only as a short-term solution and only after all other options have been explored. There’s a reason for this: pesticides or herbicides can often do more harm than good. For example, pesticides can kill natural enemies along with the pest, causing pest populations to rebound more quickly than their natural enemies do. The result can be a “pesticide treadmill,” where you’re always trying to stay one step ahead of the pests.
When utilizing chemical control measures, be sure to choose “selective” insecticides and herbicides that are less persistent in the environment and affect only the targeted pest. By leaving natural enemies in place you’ll help control more pests in the long term.
Additional Tips
The National Pesticide Information Center recommends these additional IPM Techniques to prevent future pest problems and reduce the long-term need for pesticides:
IPM Standards in Ohio
Ohio companies that offer IPM services must meet governmental standards as established in the Ohio Administrative Code. These standards apply to all pest control, landscaping or lawn care companies operating within the state.
Under Ohio law, every non-agricultural IPM program must include the following four elements:
A comprehensive site assessment
A needs assessment and comprehensive plan for pest control
A schedule for ongoing pest monitoring and site reassessment
Irrigate at ground level wherever possible; wet leaves are more susceptible to disease.
Dead plant material can harbor disease; be sure to remove it before spring.
Determine fertilizer needs by testing the soil for nutrients and minerals.
Inspect plants regularly to detect problems early.
Contact your local university extension for help identifying and managing pests.
Ready to Expand Your Menu?
If you want to include integrated pest management in your menu of landscaping services, bear in mind that you’ll need to make two to three additional site visits per season, depending on environmental conditions. A successful IPM program requires that the contractor examine the overall health of the turf, trees and ornamental plants on each property. You’ll need to assess weed infiltration and identify signs of pest damage, or any other harbinger of larger plant problems.
Also, be sure to determine your customer’s tolerance for imperfection. Integrated pest management will not eradicate every weed and insect pest from a landscape, but it will keep them below damaging levels. So if your client is seeking an insect-free lawn and garden, he may be dissatisfied.
It’s important for contractors and clients to have a frank conversation so they can establish threshold levels and set realistic expectations.
Irrigation Companies Still
Struggling to Find Qualified Staff
Is your irrigation business reeling from the labor shortage? If so, you’re not alone.
Although the green industry has faced a significant labor deficit for many years, the pandemic resulted in a “double whammy” for landscape and irrigation contractors: surplus demand for services and record-breaking worker shortages.
Labor Pains
Here are just a few of the stories irrigation business owners tell regarding their labor woes and what they’re doing to alleviate the situation:
Looking for
Qualified Workers?
In addition to posting available positions on the Irrigation Association’s Careers Center page, check out the following Ohio colleges and universities listed in the IA’s Schools Directory:
Cincinnati State Technical and Community College — Register as an employer through CareerLink.
University of Cincinnati – Post jobs through the Handshake network.
Columbus State Community College – Post jobs through the Handshake network.
Ohio State University College of Food, Agriculture & Environmental Sciences – Post jobs through the Handshake network.
Cayahoga Community College (Cleveland) – Post jobs through the Handshake network.
Hocking College (Nelsonville) – Submit job description to Terry Koons, Career Center Services Manager,
Owens Community College (Perrysburg) – Register as an employer through the College Central network.
Kent State University (Salem) – Post jobs through the Handshake network
Clark State Community College (Springfield) — Register as an employer through the College Central network.
John Lane owns Castle Rock Sprinkler Service in Denver. He would love to hire three or four more irrigation techs because the demand is so high, “but I just can’t find them,” he said.
Lane even went so far as to offer $30 per hour and a signing bonus. Still, he’s had no takers. The few who did inquire about the job failed to show up for the interview.
Worst of all, Lane said, applicants claim to have experience when they don’t. So now he’s offered to pay applicants $250 a day for them to accompany him to a job site to see what they know. He’s also prepared to train applicants with at least some mechanical ability.
Working Smarter
Lester Anders, owner of Nature’s Link in Bloomington, Ind., struggles to find younger workers. He has a core group of employees who have been with him for 15 or 20 years, but now they’re starting to retire, and he has more work than ever.
To compensate for the labor shortage, Anders trains his crews to work smarter, not harder. For instance, they utilize as much equipment as possible (replacing a third worker on each team).
Anders said that if he can’t attract younger workers, he must learn to work more efficiently.
Commissioning Help
Ryan Jantz is the general manager for Arizona-based Sorona Sprinkler.
To attract and keep qualified technicians, he now offers 30% commission-based pay. It’s worked out well for him and his 12 techs.
His workers have begun “thinking on their feet” and developing new ideas to generate revenue. They’re much more motivated to upsell products and services, Jantz said.
“You know how crazy our industry has been? We’re doing a 300% increase in business with 50% of the staff we used to have.”
Kathy Wheaton
Owner, Kathy’s Corner
Vashon Island, Wash.
Survey Says…
AmericanHort, in collaboration with researchers at the University of California-Davis and the University of Michigan, conducted a survey in 2022 to help understand the depth of the labor scarcity impacting the green industry.
The following infographic illustrates key survey findings:
Help from Uncle Sam
In an effort to address the green industry labor shortage, the Department of Homeland Security has released more than 64,000 additional H-2B visas for fiscal year 2023. The H-2B visa program allows temporary admission of foreign workers to perform seasonal non-agricultural labor whenever unemployed U.S. workers are not available.
According to Nathan Bowen, the Irrigation Association’s advocacy director, expanding the overall labor pool will likely benefit the entire industry. Participants in the H2-B visa program benefit directly, while nonparticipants benefit indirectly because of reduced competition in the labor market.
For information, resources and assistance with the H2-B program, contact Andrew Bray, at the National Association of Landscape Professionals (NALP).
On-the-Job Training
More than ever, on-the-job training opportunities are critical if employers hope to attract and retain good workers. Increasingly, irrigation contractors are realizing that finding workers with years of experience is less likely (or important) than finding trainable people with shared values, including a strong work ethic and the desire to work outdoors.
Should You Offer Apprenticeships?
Another way landscape professionals are combating the labor shortage is by offering apprenticeships.
The National Association of Landscape Professionals (NALP) developed its apprenticeship program to help establish landscaping and irrigation as a skilled trade.
Interested companies must be in business for at least one year. NALP members pay a $500 enrollment fee ($1,000 for non-members) and a $100 per-apprentice fee ($200 for non-members). Optional training per apprentice is $737 for three online courses ($921 for non-members).
Apprentices who fail to complete the program within two years must pay an annual $50 holdover fee.
The Irrigation Association offers various online classes for every skill level, from basic hydraulics to complex irrigation system design. There’s even a beginner-level “Pipes, Fittings & Assembly” course available in Spanish (pdf format).
When training a group with a wide range of skill sets, it’s often helpful if the more advanced learners share their experiences and mentor the new hires. This is also an excellent way to measure the senior techs’ expertise.
Be sure to follow up classroom or online training with hands-on practice or implementation of the newly learned skills. Finally, have some type of evaluation in place to ensure your techs have retained the new information.
Installing Holiday Lights Can Be a
Nice Bonus for Your Business
Irrigation and residential landscape contractors seeking an additional revenue stream during these colder months need look no further than holiday lighting installation.
Not only does holiday lighting provide a welcome profit, but it’s also a great way to keep your best workers employed during the off-season. It’s like a holiday bonus for your business.
Clientele typically include busy families with no time to spare during the holiday season, older couples whose light-hanging days are over, and (particularly) high-income households with large estate homes.
Here are a few ideas for getting started:
First Things First
Confirm that the size and average income of your local population can sustain an installation business. Are there fewer than 50,000 residents within 30 miles of your business? Then you probably don’t have the population base needed to support your new venture. What about the average income? Most of your customers will be upper middle class or higher. If the average household income within your service area is at least $150,000 a year, you’re probably in good shape.
How Much Should
I Charge?
The amount you charge customers for a holiday lighting install depends on the complexity of the design, the square footage involved, the types of lights selected, and whether lights are purchased or leased. (The price of light strands averages between $80 and $300, depending on the product.)
The installation cost for the first year is typically reduced by 50% for subsequent years. Charges include free servicing and bulb replacement throughout the season.
Here are some average installation charges, according to HomeAdvisor:
Determine if there’s a reasonable demand for holiday lighting services. How much competition will you face? Do some research to make sure your local market isn’t already saturated. Bear in mind, however, that significant competition could mean the market is hot and can support multiple installers.
Find a Partner
Affiliating your business with an established holiday lighting company offers a fast track to success through training, sales leads, and product discounts. Some manufacturers will also supply various tools to help build your business, such as a designer app that illustrates how the lights will look on a client’s home, or an estimating program.
Another option to get your new business up to speed quickly is to purchase a franchise. For the cost of a start-up fee and a yearly royalty, you can get training and support, business software, territory protection, and marketing assistance.
Franchise companies provide the blueprints for efficient, replicable systems, so there’s no need to “reinvent the wheel” on each job. Installers can complete the job quickly and move on, optimizing the short holiday window of opportunity. As a result, franchises often work best if you stick to the established program and resist the temptation to deviate.
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Potential Pitfalls
Experts in the field caution newbies about the following potential pitfalls:
Using inferior products. Don’t cut corners by purchasing cheaper products from the local big-box stores. Instead, choose waterproof, contractor-grade lights with sturdier bulbs, thicker wires, and more reliable connectors. These products provide a warranty.
Offering too many discounts. Remember, you’re offering a premium service that your customers will expect to pay for. Also, be sure to set a minimum charge. (See sidebar above, “How Much Should I Charge?”)
Assuming you’re covered. Make sure your insurance carrier includes coverage for climbing ladders and roofs and using hydraulic cranes.
Selling It
Storing Lights
Whether you choose to sell light strands to your customers or lease them, it’s a good idea to offer off-season storage for a nominal fee. Storing your customers’ holiday lights provides two substantial benefits:
It helps expedite next year’s installation, especially if you use labeled bins and include blueprints or other schematics, along with the necessary attachments (timers, extension cords, etc.)
It increases the likelihood of repeat business. Why should your customers go elsewhere when you already possess everything they need?
Even though the residential holiday lighting market is strong, you’ll still need to sell your irrigation and landscaping customers on the benefits of using your holiday lighting services. Here are a few selling points worth mentioning:
The Wow Factor – professionally installed lights look beautiful and elegant without being garish (something your neighbors will appreciate). Be sure to show your customers plenty of examples.
Safety – When trained professionals handle the job, homeowners have no risk of injury (falling from roofs and ladders, electrical shock, or exposure to the elements).
Convenience – Your customers can spend their holiday preparation time on more enjoyable tasks with friends and family.
Economy and Sustainability – professional-grade LED light strands are more durable and utilize much less power.
4 Tips for Retrofitting and
Upgrading Irrigation Systems
Winterization season is a great time to evaluate your customers’ irrigation systems and suggest retrofitting or upgrading outdated equipment and software for the coming year.
Irrigation technology is continually advancing as sustainability and water efficiency become increasingly important. As a result, the opportunity to enhance sales by retrofitting and upgrading current systems is huge.
Mark Your Calendar!
MidwestGREEN, OGIA’s annual signature event, is scheduled for Nov. 1-3, at the Columbus Convention Center.
For more information
and to register…
In the past, irrigation systems were upgraded only when they ceased functioning properly. Not so anymore. Today customers may want to augment their existing system with water-efficient controllers or other solutions. They’re seeking out smart controllers and nozzles that use less water and prevent runoff. And they want the convenience of mobile connectivity.
4 Tips to Consider
Here are four tips to consider before embarking on an irrigation system upgrade or retrofit:
#1. Familiarize Yourself with the Currently Installed System
Gather as much information as possible from the homeowner regarding the current system. Determine how old the system is and learn about its efficiency and history.
The simplest way to do this is to review the service calls, noting the required repair type (pipe break, broken sprinkler, bad solenoid, etc.). This information will help you identify trends.
#2. Identify If the System Needs an Upgrade or a Retrofit
Is the intention to improve the existing system’s performance (upgrade) or completely replace it (retrofit)? Retrofitting involves both software and hardware modifications, while upgrading focuses solely on software improvements. Knowing this will help you ascertain the level of difficulty the project will entail and the best options for a successful upgrade or retrofit.
Need Winterization Tips?
For a complete guide to winterizing irrigation systems, check out these past articles:
For instance, a maturing landscape may interfere with the system’s water distribution. (This is especially true for drip irrigation systems.) You may need to relocate the sprinklers or even install a different type of system altogether. On the other hand, the mature landscape may just require more water; upgrading the controller’s software may be all that’s needed to improve distribution and efficiency.
#3. Determine Budget Constraints
Identify the priorities based on the homeowner’s budget. Your preferred supplier can offer cost-effective upgrades that won’t break the bank. On the other hand, systems that require a complete overhaul can be expensive. If the homeowner does not have the cash on hand for such an expense, financing is a great option. (See sidebar below, “Customer Financing Benefits.”)
#4. Consider How It All Fits Together
How does it all fit together? Are the existing hydraulics powerful enough to water everything in the allotted time? Are the rotor zones using matched precipitation rate nozzles? It’s an easy change and will greatly improve the system uniformity. Additionally, in older systems, nozzles can wear out. This is usually indicated when the water stream from the nozzle is ragged and rough. A worn nozzle will also experience a radius reduction.
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How far are your upgrades from the controller? More than 1,100 feet and you may need to run more electrical. Lastly, consider how your customer will be connecting to the controller. Is it through ethernet, cellular, or Wi-Fi? While ethernet is faster and more dependable, Wi-Fi and cellular offer mobile control.
Products for Irrigation Retrofits
Here are a few products and equipment that have retrofit capabilities.
Tucor Hybrid 3D
The Tucor Hybrid 3D is a simple plug-and-play device that allows you to add a master valve, flow sensor, and 1-24 new valves to any irrigation controller using existing wires. It can also convert a conventional controller to a Tucor 2-Wire decoder system. No need to run additional control or communication wires and cables in order to expand the existing system.
Rain Bird Spray-to-Drip Retrofit Kit
Customer Financing Benefits
If your irrigation business is not yet offering customer financing, here are a few reasons to consider it:
Accelerates the Sales Process. Offering flexible financing at the point of sale minimizes pricing objections and helps close deals faster.
Increases Customer Retention. Helping your customer manage his budget and cash flow will create a strong connection that can lead to the next sale.
Delivers a Great Customer Experience. Leveraging customer financing lets you eliminate the sting of sticker shock and shift the conversation away from budget constraints to the value an upgraded irrigation system provides.
Gives Your Business an Edge. Offering customer financing can give you a competitive edge, allowing smaller businesses to compete with larger ones.
Attracts New Customers. Research indicates that the top-performing home improvement contractors offer customer financing. Prospective customers shopping around for an irrigation contractor may be more likely to choose one offering financing options.
This simple kit easily converts each sprinkler head into a 6-port drip emitter watering system. The 1800 Retro internal assembly is easily installed into any existing Rain Bird 1804 spray head bodies to retrofit the current system to Xerigation® products.
Kit includes three) 1 GPH and three 2 GPH drip emitters to allow flow variation, fine mesh filter, 30 PSI pressure regulator, and manifold that connects to 1/4 in. tubing.
Hunter MP Rotators
Hunter’s MP Rotators apply water using heavy droplet streams at a matched precipitation rate. The slower application rate allows water to soak into the soil gently and achieves an even distribution throughout the irrigated area. The MP Rotator can replace the sprinkler head on any conventional spray head body or shrub adapter.
Hunter HCC Retrofit Kit for ICC & ICC2
Hunter also offers a Retrofit Upgrade Kit for its ICC and ICC2 controllers. This kit contains everything needed to upgrade to wifi control using the Hydrawise software — essentially converting the ICC controller to the new HCC controller — including a 3.2″ full-color touchscreen display for Wi-Fi setup, zone testing, and offline programming at the control panel. The Hydawwise software provides easy contractor access to the system via any smartphone.
Baseline Systems BaseStation 3200™
The BaseStation 3200™ supports Baseline’s two-wire technology, as well as conventional wire and retrofit solutions. Its advanced flow management features and flexible communication options allow users to network devices through the cloud or local area networks.
For difficult retrofitting situations or complex irrigation sites, Baseline SubStations can be wirelessly connected to the controller.